Ski to Sea 2023
As spring rolled around in 2023, I was excited to be back with team "The Tall, the Short, and the Ugly" for another shot at Bellingham's quintessential event: the Ski to Sea. I would once again be racing as the team's road cyclist as well as our "Ugly" representative. When race day came, I felt I had made good improvements from my previous year's effort. In addition to more training, I had fewer and more appropriate layers for this year's ride, and better fuel. Even the weather was a big step up from 2022 with mild temps and sunny skies. It should have been expected, then, that at least a little something should go wrong.
I stretched as I waited at the transition zone between runners and cyclists. Coming out of a "yogi squat" a bit too quickly, I felt a sudden burning pain outside of one knee. The joint swelled up and had no chance to recover before my time came to ride. The incident caused little pain as I pedaled, but the excessive swelling made for awkward motion. Most impactful, I could barely hold my weight while standing in the saddle. Despite these challenges, however, the ride went as smooth as it could have. I was able to link up with a line of riders for most of the race. A new skill for me, riding in a group was refreshingly comfortable and efficient. I pulled my fair share. In the final stretch of the ~42 mile endeavor, I lost my group as my knee flared up on a punchy climb. I finished as strong as I could and reunited with my riding buddies for a picture. It was another super fun event, but with some regret about my silly injury and what could have been.
Our team raced in the Competitive Open division finishing 24th in our division and 71st overall with a time of 8:09:39. Amongst the road cyclists I finished 15th in our division, 56th overall with a time of 1:49:08.
Wallace Falls Trail Run 2022
Looking for a challenge in the fall of 2022, my partner, York, found the Wallace Falls trail run which includes a half marathon, a 22.4 miler, or a 50k ultra-- all with plenty of elevation. Inspired, I decided to join in and try the 22 miler. The runs were scheduled for November 5th. This date seemed just fine with us- two transplants unaware of what late Fall in the PNW can become. The morning of our race, we woke up well before dawn and checked the weather. On the docket was cold, wind, and a downright monsoon- nothing could have sounded less appealing. Nonetheless, we drove down to Highway 2-- wipers on full blast-- to meet our destiny.
Dawn had not broke when we arrived. We checked in to the small event with headlamps ablaze. A single tent and a line of orange cones denoted the start line. Eventually, an official called for my race's start, and along with twelve other runners, we were off. Our route climbed up the Wallace Falls trail and around the park two times, totaling 22.4 miles and 4000' elevation gained. Though the course was beautiful, the weather did not let up for the entire race. At the lowest point there was drenching rain, while atop the climb, inches of snow gathered on the trail. The freeze/thaw transition tightened my quads, making the downhills particularly impactful. Though straining at times and soaked to the bone at the end, the toil made finishing all the sweeter. York was successful in her half marathon, battling the same elements and finishing third in her division. My time for the 22 miles was 4:28:21. I placed third overall (out of 13...) and second in my division. My power for this adventure came from pure Vermont maple syrup, courtesy of my Burlington- based brother.
Ski to Sea 2022
The Ski to Sea is a quintessential Bellingham event. Winding from Mt Baker ski area down to the ocean, each of the race's seven legs showcase the region's epic and varied terrain. Shortly after I moved to town, I was invited to compete on a Ski to Sea team as their road cyclist. Though more than comfortable on two wheels, my experience on bikes up to this point was nearly exclusively on trails. Eager to take place in this legendary relay, however, I said yes.
Each May, Ski to Sea kicks off with the cross country skiing leg. Next comes the downhill ski/snowboard, then the run, and then the road bike. Cyclists wait on Mt Baker Highway about 10 miles west of the ski area for their runner's hand off. The bike route begins with a steep plummet down the mountain highway before flattening out and winding toward the small town of Everson. After the 42 mile ride, batons are passed to paddlers positioned beside their canoes on the Nooksack river. Finishing out the race is the cyclocross ride, and finally the sea kayak.
Well before dawn on the morning of the race, I hopped in a car with my team's skiers and runner. They dropped me off at my starting point in the dark and drizzle, and continued up the mountain. As it was my first year, I was unprepared for the pre-ride loiter. After a few hours waiting without rain cover or proper layers, there finally came an announcement that runners were close. Though there would be a bit longer to wait, I got so excited that I warmed right up. Finally I heard my number called, found my way to the hand off zone, connected with my runner and flew out of the corral. The first ten miles of downhill were thrilling with my adrenaline high and the roads slick. Eventually I found my groove, and biked admirably considering my lack of experience. Being part of the team and getting to compete was as fun and exciting as I hoped for. I learned a lot during the race about pacing, layers and nutrition, and was immediately eager to give it another go.
My team was "The Tall, the Short, and the Ugly". We raced in the Competitive Open division. Our overall time was 8:19:19. We placed 22nd in our division and 69th (nice) overall. My time on the bike was 1:53:23. I placed 15th in our division and 64th overall.